![Photo](aston guy 5 col.jpg)
![Università degli Studi di Bologna](alma.jpg)
Guy Aston
MA (Oxon), MSc (Edinburgh), PhD (London)
Professor of English Linguistics
Advanced School of Interpreters and Translators, University of Bologna
Teaching responsibilities: English for interpreters; Computer-aided translation; English-Italian liaison interpreting
Research interests: Corpus linguistics; Contrastive pragmatics;
Conversational analysis; Autonomous language learning
Administrative responsibilities: Following three years as Dean of the School, currently a member of university committees concerned with (a) the university web portal; (b) accessibility of teaching provision; (c) relations with foreign universities; (d) the university language centres.
Tel: 0543-374737; mobile 335-427191
Fax: 0543-374506)
E-mail: guy@sslmit.unibo.it
Guy Aston lives in an old farmhouse on the
Appennines near Vergato (between Bologna and Florence), a village which was for many years famous
for its
bakery. From here
he commutes to Forlì by train, his obsessively preferred means of
transport. He has been working at the school since 1991, where he has
been principally concerned with the introduction of computerised corpora
as resources for language learning and translation. Formerly responsible
for the PIXI project on the pragmatics of service encounters in English and
in Italian,
he collaborates with the University
of Oxford
on the British National Corpus
- 2011b. "Tecniche per migliorare la traduzione automatica: post-editing e pre-editing". In G. Bersani Berselli (a cura di), Usare la traduzione automatica. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice. 33-46.
- 2011a. "Applied corpus linguistics and the learning experience". In V. Viana, S. Zuengler & G. Barnbrook (eds), Perspectives on corpus linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1-16.
- 2009c. (N. Kubler & G. Aston) "Using corpora in translation". In A. O'Keeffe & M. McCarthy (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. London: Routledge. 501-515.
- 2009b. "Using BNC-XML in the classroom". In L. Lombardo (ed), Using Corpora to Learn about Language and Discourse. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 163-198.
- 2009a. "Foreword". In A. Beeby, P. Rodriguez Inés & P. Sanchez-Gijon (eds), Corpus use and translating. Amsterdam: Benjamin. ix-x.
- 2008c. "Using the XML edition of the British National Corpus". In C. Taylor Torsello, K. Ackersley & E. Costello (eds) Corpora for university language teachers. Bern: Peter Lang. 213-236.
- 2008b. "Remembering John Sinclair". In C. Taylor Torsello, K. Ackersley & E. Costello (eds) Corpora for university language teachers. Bern: Peter Lang. 13-18.
- 2008a. "It's only human ..." in A. Martelli & V. Pulcini (eds). Investigating English with corpora: Studies in honour of Maria Teresa Prat. Monza: Polimetrica.
- 2004a. (G. Aston & L. Piccioni) "Un grande corpus di italiano giornalistico". In G. Bernini, G. Ferrari & M.Pavesi (a cura di) Atti del 3 congresso di studi dell'Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata. Perugia: Guerra. 289-310.
- 2004b. (G. Aston & L. Burnard). The BNC handbook. Translation into Japanese of Aston & Burnard 1998a, by Y. Kitamura. Tokyo: Shohakusha.
- 2004c. (G. Aston, S. Bernardini & D. Stewart eds.). Corpora and language learners. Amsterdam: Benjamin.
- 2004d. (D. Stewart, S. Bernardini & G. Aston) "Introduction". In Aston et al 2004c.
- 2002a. "The learner as corpus designer". In B. Kettemann and G. Marko (eds) Teaching and learning by doing corpus analysis. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 9-25.
- 2002b. "Getting one's teeth into a corpus". In M. Tan (ed) Corpus studies in language education. Bangkok: IELE Press.
- 2002c. (S. Bernardini & G. Aston) Review of Michael Stubbs (2001) Words and phrases: corpus studies of lexical semantics (Oxford: Blackwell). International journal of corpus linguistics 7/2. 283-295.
- 2002d. (M. Cencini & G. Aston) "Resurrecting the corp(us|se):
towards an encoding standard for interpreting data". In G. Garzone & M. Viezzi (eds) Interpreting in the 21st century. Amsterdam: Benjamin. 47-62.
- 2001a (ed.) Learning with corpora. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice; Houston TX: Athelstan.
- 2001b. "Learning with corpora: an overview". In Aston 2001a. 7-45.
- 2001c (F. Bertaccini & G. Aston) "Going to the Clochemerle: exploring cultural connotations through ad hoc corpora". In Aston 2001a. 198-219.
- 2001d (L. Gavioli & G. Aston) "Enriching reality: language corpora in language pedagogy". ELT Journal 55/3. 238-246. Reprinted in B. Seidlhofer (ed) (forthcoming), Controversies in applied linguistics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 2001e. "Text categories and corpus users: a response to David Lee". Language learning & technology 5/3. 73-76.
- 2001f (G. Aston & L. Burnard, eds.) Corpora in the description and teaching of English. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice.
- 2001g (G. Aston & L. Burnard) "Introduction". In G. Aston & L. Burnard (eds) Corpora in the description and teaching of English. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice. 1-7.
- 2000a. "Learning English with the British
National Corpus". In M.P. Battaner & C. López (eds) VI jornada de corpus lingüístics. Barcelona:
Institut universitari de lingüística aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. 15-40.
- 2000b. "Corpora and language teaching". In L. Burnard & T. McEnery (eds) Rethinking language pedagogy from a corpus perspective. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 7-17.
- 2000c. "I corpora come risorse per la traduzione e per l'apprendimento". In S. Bernardini & F. Zanettin (eds) I corpora nella didattica della traduzione (Corpus use and learning to translate). Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice. 21-29.
- 1999. "Corpus use and learning to translate". Textus 12:
1998a. (G. Aston & L.Burnard) The BNC handbook: exploring the British
National Corpus with SARA. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University
- 1998b. "What
corpora for ESP?". In M. Pavesi & G. Bernini (a cura di),
L'apprendimento linguistico all'università: le lingue
speciali. Roma: Bulzoni. 205-226.
1997a. "Enriching the learning environment: corpora as resources for
ELT". In
A. Wichmann, S. Fligelstone, A. McEnery & G. Knowles (eds),
Teaching and language corpora. London: Addison Wesley
Longman. 51-64.
1997b. "Small and large
corpora in language learning". In B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk &
P.J. Melia (eds), PALC 97: Practical applications in language corpora.
Lodz: Lodz University Press. 51-62.
1997c. "Too many words: Much Ado and
Shakespearean thanks". In P. Pugliatti (ed.) Mnema: per Lino Falzon
Santucci. Messina: Armando Siciliano Editore. 217-247.
1996a. "Involving learners in developing learning methods: exploiting
text corpora
in self-access". In P. Benson & P. Voller (eds), Autonomy and
in language learning. London: Longman. 204-214.
1996b. "Traduzione e tecnologia". In G. Cortese (a cura di),
Tradurre i linguaggi
settoriali. Alessandria: Dell'Urso. 293-310.
1996c. "Electronic corpora of newspaper stories as a language learning
In E. Siciliani, A. Cecere, V. Intonti & A.M. Sportelli (a cura di),
trasformazioni del narrare. Fasano: Schena. 663-687.
1996d. "The learner's contribution to the self-access centre". In T.
Hedge & N.
Whitney (eds), Power, pedagogy, and practice. Oxford:
Oxford University
Press. 283-293.
1996e. "The British National Corpus as a language learner resource". In
S. Botley, J. Glass, T. McEnery & A. Wilson (eds),
Proceedings of Teaching and Language Corpora 1996. Lancaster:
UCREL. 178-191.
1995a. "Say `Thank you': some pragmatic constraints in conversational
Applied linguistics, 16. 57-86.
1995b. "Corpora in language pedagogy: matching theory and practice".
In G. Cook
& B. Seidlhofer (eds), Theory and practice in applied
linguistics. Oxford:
Oxford University Press. 257-270.
1995c. "In reference to the role of openings in service encounters".
Cahiers de
linguistique française, 16/1. 89-111.
1995d. "Learners, teachers and corpora". In D. Hill (ed), Bologna
'94 English
Language Teaching. Milano: British Council. 156-159.
1995e. "Starting a self-access centre". In C. Cecioni & A. Cheselka
(eds.), Proceedings of the symposium on language and
technology, Florence 11-13 December 1991. Florence: CUSL. 23-28.
1994. "MicroConcord". CALL review, (November). 15-17.
1993a. "Notes on the interlanguage of comity". In G. Kasper & S.
(eds), Interlanguage pragmatics. New York: Oxford
University Press. 224-
1993b. "The learner's contribution to the self-access centre". ELT
journal, 47. 219-
1993c. "Four testing questions". In J. Bamford & J. Munat (eds),
language testing in Italian universities. Siena: University
of Siena. 139-147.
1992a. (A. Ciliberti & G. Aston) "Research methodology and
affectivity". In R.
Rutelli (a cura di), Atti del XIIIĝ convegno AIA. Udine:
Campanotto. 301-
1992b. What it takes to close a service encounter: a study in
contrastive pragmatics.
Bologna: CLUEB.
1991a. "Communicative language teaching from angling to topiary".
In M. Prat
Zagrebelsky (ed), The study of English in Italian
universities. Alessandria:
Dell'Orso. 31-44.
1991b. "Cultural norms of conversational procedure in a pedagogic
In S. Stati, E. Weigand & F. Hundsnurscher (Hrsg.),
Dialoganalyse III,
teil 2. Tübingen: Narr. 341-352.
1991c. (G. Mochi & G. Aston (a cura di)). Bibliografia dei soci AIA
Bologna: CLUEB.
1990a. (D. Zorzi Calo', R. Brodine, L. Gavioli & G. Aston). "Opening
and closing
service encounters: some differences between English and
Italian". In C.
De Stasio, M. Gotti & R. Bonadei (eds), La rappresentazione
verbale e
iconica: valori estetici e funzionali. Milano: Guerini.
1990b. (L. Anderson, G. Aston, R. Brodine, A. Ciliberti, L. Gavioli,
S.E. George,
G. Mansfield, L. Merlini Barbaresi, G. Tucker, J. Vincent & D.
Calo'). The Pixi corpora: bookshop encounters in English and
Italian. Edited
by L. Gavioli & G. Mansfield. Bologna: CLUEB.
1989. "Solidarity and conflict as metaphors of the discourse process".
In L. Curti,
L. Di Michele, T. Frank & M. Vitale (eds), Il muro del
linguaggio: conflitto
e tragedia. Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale. 413-426.
1988a. (ed). Negotiating service: studies in the discourse of
bookshop encounters.
Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice.
1988b. "Introduction". In 1988a. 1-23.
1988c. "What's a public service encounter anyway?". In 1988a. 25-42.
1988d. "Interactional speech in service encounters". In 1988a. 73-97.
1988e. "From discourse analysis to pedagogy: some implications". In
1988a. 287-
1988f. (L. Anderson, G. Aston & G. Tucker). "The joint production of
requests in
service encounters". In 1988a. 135-151.
1988g. Learning comity: an approach to the description and
pedagogy of
interactional speech. Bologna: Cooperativa libraria
universitaria editrice.
1988h. "An applied linguistic approach to the analysis of
conversation." In E. Rigotti & C. Cipolli (a cura di), Ricerche
di semantica
testuale. Brescia: La Scuola. 237-260.
1988i. "Strategie di comunicazione nella scrittura in L1 e L2". In E.
Glass, F.
Marroni, G. Micks e C. Pagetti (a cura di), Metamorfosi.
Pescara: CLUA.
1988j. "Learning to be a non-native speaker". In S. Holden (ed),
Language and
literature. Oxford: Modern English. 5-12, 133.
1987a. "Casual chat and the teaching of language as comity".
Lingua e nuova
didattica, 16, 1. 26-41.
1987b. "Ah: a corpus-based exercise in conversational analysis". In J.
Morley &
A. Partington (eds), Spoken discourse. Camerino:
University of Camerino
Press. 123-137.
1986a. "Trouble-shooting in interaction with learners: the more the
Applied linguistics, 7, 2. 128-143.
1986b. "Roleplay and interactional speech". In S. Holden (ed),
Techniques of
teaching: from theory to practice. Oxford: Modern English.
1985a. "Transcribing listening tapes (part two)". Modern English
teacher, 12, 3.
1985b. "La didattica dell'inglese come L2 in Gran Bretagna". In A.
Ciliberti (a
cura di), Didattica delle lingue in Europa e negli Stati Uniti.
Bruno Mondadori. 85-104.
1984. "Transcribing listening tapes". Modern English teacher,
12, 2. 34-38.
1983a. "The linguistic implications of task-based syllabuses: a new
core?". In M. De Angelis, V. Fortunati & V. Poggi (a cura di),
Atti del V
congresso nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Anglistica.
Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice. 313-322.
1983b. "L'applicabilita' dell'analisi conversazionale allo studio del testo
drammatico". In Interazione, dialogo, convenzioni: il caso del
drammatico. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria
Editrice. 209-221.
1983c. "The use of English and Italian in classroom management". In
S. Holden
(ed), ELT: Focus on the learner. Oxford: Modern
1983d. "An approach to some features of dialogue between competent
incompetent speakers of English". Analysis, 1, 1.
1983e. "Aspects of listening-in-conversation: some pedagogical
Studi italiani di linguistica teorica ed applicata, 12.
1982a. (E. Siciliani, R. Barone & G. Aston (a cura di)). La lingua
nell'universita'. Bari: Adriatica.
1982b. "Communication games and politeness: efficiency vs
effectiveness". In
1982a. 281-299.
1982c. Interact. Oxford: Modern English. (Workbook,
cassette, and tapescript)
1982d. "Some notes on discourse analysis and language teaching".
Papers on work
in progress, 9. 14-20.
1982e. (P. Ulichny & G. Aston). "The quality of interaction in oral
In L. Haarman Di Federico (ed), Testing English for
academic purposes.
Camerino: Università di Camerino. 45-60.
1981a. "Some directions in the teaching of listening for conversational
Papers on work in progress, 5. 18-25.
1981b. (G. Aston, R. Barnard, R.M. Bosinelli, L. Haarman, G.
Mansfield, L.
Merlini, J. Morley, C. Rizzardi & P. Ulichny). Approccio a
una lettura
consapevole. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria
1980a. "Communicative competence and conversation". Lingua e
nuova didattica,
9, 1. 12-16.
1980b. "Authentic listening at elementary and lower intermediate
Rassegna italiana di linguistica applicata, 12. 185-194.
1980c. "The reader as Sherlock Holmes". In G. Cortese (ed), La
lettura nelle
lingue straniere. (Atti convegno di Torino). Milano: Franco
Angeli. 416-427.
1980d. "A brief survey of approaches to ESP". Studi italiani di
linguistica teorica
ed applicata, 9. 513-533.
1979. "Communicative competence and reading". Lingua e nuova
didattica, 8, 3.
1978a. "Reading and knowledge". Lingua e didattica, 34.
1978b. Introduction to the Italian edition of C. Chomsky,
Imparare la sintassi.
Milano: Franco Angeli. 7-15.
1978c. "Communicative competence and general purpose courses".
Materiali del
II convegno LEND, Venezia. Roma: LEND. 13-17.
1977. "Comprehending value: aspects of the structure of
discourse". Studi italiani di linguistica teorica ed applicata,
6. 465-509.
1974. (Aston, G. & R.M. Bosinelli). Threshold: a common-core
first-year course in
English. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria
1973. "A proposito dei Beatles". Paragone, 280. 107-118.