- 2012: Ph.D. in "Languages, Cultures and Intercultural Communication" at the DIT
(University of Bologna).
- 2006 (November-January 2007): Marco Polo Scholarship (granted by the University of Bologna) for a research
period abroad (University of Osnabrück, Germany)
- 2003 (December): Laurea magistrale (master's degree) in Conference Interpreting at the Advanced School of Modern Languages
for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT —
University of Bologna).
- Italian: native speaker
- English: excellent
- Spanish: very good
- French: limited
- I've picked up a little bit of Japanese
Computer skills
- Programming/scripting: Java, PHP, Python, Perl, SQL, JavaScript
- System administration: Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat), Windows (9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7)
Work experience
Most relevant
Other activities
- Elena di Bello, Claudia Lecci, Eros Zanchetta (2011): Traduzione automatica e traduzione
assistita, in Gabriele Bersani Berselli (ed),
Usare la traduzione automatica, Bologna: CLUEB.
- Federico Gaspari, Eros Zanchetta (2011): Scrittura controllata per la traduzione automatica,
in Gabriele Bersani Berselli (ed),
Usare la traduzione automatica, Bologna: CLUEB.
- Marco Baroni, Silvia Bernardini, Adriano Ferraresi and Eros Zanchetta (2009): The WaCky
Wide Web: A Collection of Very Large Linguistically Processed Web-Crawled Corpora, Journal
of Language Resources and Evaluation 43 (3): 209-226.
- Sara Castagnoli, Eros Zanchetta, Franco Bertaccini (eds) (2009). mediAzioni n°7 - Atti del convegno "Terminologia e mediazione linguistica: approcci e metodi a confronto".
- Gunnar Bergh, Eros Zanchetta (2008): Web linguistics, in Anke Lüdeling and Merja Kytö (eds), Corpus linguistics: An international handbook, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Adriano Ferraresi, Eros Zanchetta, Marco Baroni, Silvia Bernardini: Introducing and evaluating ukWaC, a very large web-derived corpus of English, in in S. Evert, A. Kilgarriff and S. Sharoff (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th Web as Corpus Workshop (WAC-4) - Can we beat Google?, LREC 2008, Marrakech, Morocco.
- Helmut Schmid, Marco Baroni, Eros Zanchetta, Achim Stein (2007): The Enriched TreeTagger System, in proceedings of the Evalita Workshop (10th Congress of Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, AI*IA 2007), University of Roma "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy.
- Eros Zanchetta, Marco Baroni (2005): Morph-it! A free corpus-based morphological resource for the Italian language, in Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2005.
- Lorenzo Piccioni, Eros Zanchetta (2004): XTERM: A Flexible Standard-compliant XML-based Termbase Management System. In Lino, Maria Teresa / Xavier, Maria Francisca / Ferreira, Fátima / Costa, Rute / Silva, Raquel / Carla, Pereira / Carvalho, Filipa / Lopes, Milene / Catarino, Mónica / Barros, Sérgio (eds) Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004, Lisbon, May 26-28), Paris: ELRA - European Language Resources Association, 469-472.
- Franco Bertaccini, Lorenzo Piccioni, Eros Zanchetta (2004): Introducing XTERM - A Termbase Management System, in Actes de GLAT-Barcelona (12, 13, 14 May) - La production des textes spécialisés: structure et enseignement, Barcelona: Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, 203-209.
- July 20, 2011, Eros Zanchetta, Marco Baroni and Silvia Bernardini: Corpora for the masses: the BootCaT front-end, Pecha Kucha at "Corpus Linguistics 2011", University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
- March 3, 2008, Eros Zanchetta: Costruzione automatica di Corpora ed estrazione automatica di terminologia, in "Giornata di Studi CERTEM: Terminologia, ricerca e formazione", University of Genova, Genova, Italy.
- January 17, 2007, Eros Zanchetta: Using the Web as a source of linguistic data, in "Colloquia of the Institute of Cognitive Science", University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany.
- September 28, 2006, Eros Zanchetta, Carla Agrario, Franco Bertaccini: EOSH Term - Il sito terminologico internazionale sulla Sicurezza e la Salute dell’Università di Bologna, in "Seminario AIAS ENSHPO: Un ambiente di lavoro più sicuro, più sano e più produttivo per l'Europa. Quali azioni per realizzarlo in Europa e in Italia?", Sala del Cenacolo della Camera dei Deputati, Roma.
- June 1-2, 2006, Marco Baroni, Emiliano Guevara, Vito Pirrelli and Eros Zanchetta: Corpus evidence and compound structure: The case of Italian NN compounds. in "Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics 2 (QITL-2)", University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany.
- April 29, 2005, Eros Zanchetta and Lorenzo Piccioni: Sistemi di gestione della Terminologia: il progetto X-Term, in "La Formazione in Terminologia", Portico di Romagna (Forlì), Italy.
- November 27, 2004, Marco Baroni, Silvia Bernardini and Eros Zanchetta: Software libero nella ricerca linguistica alla SSLMIT, in "Linux Day 2004", Forlì Italy.
- November 29, 2003, Eros Zanchetta: Documenti professionali con OpenOffice: scrivere la tesi con il software libero in "Linux Day 2003", Forlì Italy.
Other research activities
Member of the scientific committee of the following Conferences and International Workshops
- The Fifth Web as Corpus Workshop (WAC-5). SEPLN '09. San Sebastian, 7 settembre 2009.
- The 4th Web as Corpus Workshop (WAC-4): Can we beat Google?" LREC08. Marrakech, 1 maggio 2008.
Linguistic resources
I contributed to the creation of the following resources:
- Wacky corpora: large web corpora built by web crawling
- Morph-it!: a free morphological resource for the Italian language
Web sites
- Componet: online database of compounds developed at the Department of Foreign Languages of the University of Bologna (2007)
- MorboComp: Morphology at Bologna University (2006)
- EOHS Term: Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety Terminology website (2006)
- TSA Online (2003)